Discover the Truth: Is Bottled Water Distilled?

Is Bottled Water Distilled?

Discover the Truth: Is Bottled Water Distilled?

When most people buy bottles of water, they are confident it is pure, natural, and in some way different from water available in their homes. To a certain degree, bottled water is safe owing to the FDA regulations that govern it, but here again, it lacks necessary declarations on its source.


The truth is that most of the bottled water consumed in America is divided almost right down the middle between two types of water: distilled or purified water and spring water.

Such information on spring water vs purified water makes me realize why such information is hidden by the large water companies. Purified water is the purest form of water that any treatment system can offer to clients. In fact, this active oxygen is preferred by laboratories and pharmacies due to its high purity level.

The use of a water distiller reduces dissolved inorganics, bacteria, and chemicals in water by 99.9 percent. However, this active oxygen is preferred by laboratories and pharmacies due to its high purity level. It is clear that even if distilled water is of high quality, it may or may not be safe to drink.

Water distilled is water that has been taken through the process of distillation, which is to separate pure H2O from any impurities. They are water that has passed through a water distiller through the boiling of water, leaving contaminants, bacteria, and minerals. Since from steam, you are expecting it to give out heat so it turns into liquid, which is then collected in a container.

Nature reproduces the recycling of water through distillation, a process known as the hydrological cycle of water. The process can also be done in a home setting with one chamber for the distillation of water and another one to condense it into a steam-like state.

Once again, distilled water is 99.99% oxide-free, but not all the water you find in the bottled water is distilled water. Some of the bottled water is labeled spring water, mineral water, or purified water; they may contain naturally occurring minerals essential for our body.

While tap water is full of these minerals, distilled water has all of these eliminated from it, making it highly purified. Such water can be found in hospitals or laboratories; in any application where mineral buildup can be an issue, for example, in humidifiers or steam irons.

If you are trying to find out that “Is bottled water distilled?” then it is very important to remember one thing, which is to always read the label of the bottled water. Currently, there are some bottled water brands that sell distilled water, but not all the brands do.

Some of the most popular forms of water purification can still involve filtration, which does not effectively eliminate minerals in water. If you need even cleaner water for health issues or some certain technical requirements, only distilled bottled water is a great choice.

Is Bottled Water Distilled?

So what is the difference between distilled and purified water? Also, what the heck is spring water? Let’s break it down:

i. Distilled Water

This water is best for use in small appliances such as hot water steam irons because, unlike tap water, the water leaves behind minerals that build up. This is rather reasonless; this water is not particularly good for people to drink because all of the minerals have been leached out of it.

As we all know, distilled water is water that has been processed through distillation. In this process, water is vaporized and then condensed to water. In this process, water is vaporized and then condensed to water. Distilled water, which is free from impurities, of course, has no taste at all, and the taste is rather bland. It is water that has been treated in such a way that besides removal it with numerous impurities, it also removes natural minerals.


ii. Purified Water

Water that has undergone the process of filtration or treatment to remove naturally artificially present substances or particles is said to be purified—so distilled water is a subtype of purified water. These are distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis, and activated carbon filtration.

It has its relative benefits and shortcomings, the benefits being that some chemicals that may be deleterious to the body may be eliminated, and the drawback being that some useful minerals may also be removed as well.


iii. Spring Water

Spring water is well water, and the water that has come from an underground source has risen to the surface. It has passed through many purification processes as most, but it does not lose its natural minerals that determine its quality and taste. Spring water is what you get with water that is dispensed from a spring. It creates from underground water and may be naturally filtered and purified, or it may not be filtered at all.


Even though spring water sounds more delicious (as do many others; I picture my spring water seeping from a fast spring beneath a massive snowy mountain), it may not be the best water for drinking if you have the choice. Studies conducted by the NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council) showed that the following is present in some bottled spring water: coliforms, arsenic, and phthalates. Much of the bottled water is marketed as spring water, but the origin of this water is commonly unknown (as is shown in this Environmental Working Group report). It is a question, which has been rather an issue of discussion in the recent past and has attracted a lot of debate.


You can hydrate with distilled water if you get your minerals from your diet. Water is not meant to be a main source of minerals. If you exercise excessively and you are poorly nourished, mineralized water may help, but other than that, water will not be a primary source of nutrients for you. As intense athletes sweat, they lose electrolytes quickly.

To stay hydrated, mineral-infused water or a sports drink with electrolytes may be helpful for performance. You would most certainly be malnourished if you were sick and vomiting continually, and your body also needs assistance in replenishing electrolytes. If you are malnourished, then you require all of the minerals that you can get, and water would probably be your most accessible one.

The purest form of water that can be consumed is distilled water. The dissolved substances, such as arsenic and lead, may threaten your health if not removed from the water. Here, the advantages of distilled water dominate the disadvantages. People with sodium restrictions would also like distilled water.

Advantages of Distilled Water

Distilled water is free from bacteria and chemicals, making it one of the purest forms of water present in the world.

As it is pure, distilled water is used in hospitals or medical institutions for various purposes, such as to sterilize equipment and some treatments related to medicines.

Some people prefer their distilled water for detoxification since they contain no added chemicals or contaminants that could affect the process.

Klean Kanteen has its Insulated Reflect bottle called a sustainable product while Nalgene Water Bottle claims not to be made of BPA but is not as environmentally friendly. Klean Kanteen takes the lead in this category since this company focuses on the concept of sustainability.


With no minerals or additives, distilled water is usually neutral-tasting, which would please the likes of some over the taste found in tap or mineral water.

Due to its purification, it’s very useful in scientific experiments since there won’t be unwanted chemical reactions from impurities.

People with health issues, like kidney diseases, can rely on distilled water as it does not carry minerals harmful for human bodies, like sodium.

Is Bottled Water Distilled?

Neither of the waters is superior to the other. Purified water may be drunk freely and has a number of other uses in which it is the best available, while spring water has more natural advantages but may not be suitable in some cases. Still, any bottled water has to meet certain standards from the EPA and FDA governing what is safe to drink and what is not across most of the world’s water.

That, I think, is the key to selecting the right bottled water: knowing where the water has been sourced from and being ok with that answer. This is often not necessary to publish on labels, even though the information is usually simple to access in the major brands. Our spring water is sourced from private-owned land in the North Carolina Blue Ridge Mountains, and that is why we like to educate our consumers with the Lipsey’s filtration and packaging details.

Is bottled water distinguishable enough within different categories so that one can directly ask: Is bottled water distilled? As much as the social and economic effects should also be in mind, the following of the environment as well. However, the packaging of distilled water in bottles and its distribution, as any kind of consumable in bottles, has severe impacts on the environment.

The bottled water industry has massive single-use plastic bottles that are commonly used right from the distilled water to purified water and other forms Environmental Impact of Bottled Distilled Water of bottled water. Sadly, not all these bottles are recycled right away, leading to a huge pile up in the dump and the seas.

Secondly, in the process of distillation of water, energy-consuming techniques are used. Each gallon of distilled water involves a massive amount of energy to heat and cool to boil water to make steam, then cool the steam back to water, hence increasing the pollution of carbon in bottled distilled water.

Also, moving packed distilled water from one region to another exposes the environment to more harm through fuel consumption and emissions by the trucks or ships used during transportation. This makes other water forms, such as distilled water, have a relatively higher environmental cost than other forms of water.


All in all, it is crucial to drive a conclusion looking for “Is Bottled Water Distilled?” It is also necessary to take into account that, by choosing bottled distilled water, it is possible to effect the ecological impact and use results of tests to define the level of water’s purity. To one’s surprise, making use of reusable bottles and trying to look for other sources for water can help reduce an individual’s environmental impact incredibly.

However, to answer the question, “Is Bottled Water Distilled?”, the reply varies with brand and type of bottled water. While some are distilled, most others are purified through reverse osmosis or filtration. Distilled water is more often treasured for its purity; here, minerals, contaminants, and impurities are taken out in the distillation process, making this good for particular applications.

But, before choosing bottled distilled water, one has to weigh the pros against such environmental negative implications. First, the use of single-purpose plastic bottles with the distillation process being totally energy-intensive results in pollution and carbon emissions. Mostly, reusing the bottle However, to answer the question, “Is Bottled Water Distilled?”, the reply varies with brand and type of bottled water. While some are distilled, most others are purified through reverse osmosis or filtration. Distilled water is more often treasured for its purity; here, minerals, contaminants, and impurities are taken out in the distillation process, making this good for particular applications.

Your choice, need, and concern for choosing bottled distilled water. Whether you’re a drinker, medical, or household user-to-be, these facts will guide you in making an informed decision on whether it’s for drinking, medical, or household purposes. Next time when you ask, “Is Bottled Water Distilled?” remember that these are facts behind the label and consider both health and environmental factors as you make your choice to buy what’s best.

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